1980 | Paul Volcker Straightening

When Paul Volcker became head of the US Federal Reserve in 1979, the inflation rate was 13 percent. His shock therapy helped. In 1979, the inflation rate had reached 13 percent with key interest rates around eleven percent. Volcker and his colleagues at the FED raised the key interest rates to an unimaginable 20 percent today and accepted a severe economic crisis for it. The unemployment rate rose to more than 10%. Millions of Americans lost their jobs. The monetary policy led to severe protests because loans became more expensive as a result of high interest rates. Especially construction companies, real estate owners and farmers suffered from the restrictive monetary policy.

Development of the S&P 500 from January 1979 to December 1984

Progression of the crisis


Paul Volcker übernimmt das Amt des Chefs der FED.

28. November 1980

Der S&P 500 erreicht ein Zwischenhoch von 140,52 Punkten.


Die Inflation sinkt auf 6%.


Die Inflation sinkt auf 3%.

Evolution of the crisis

From 1973 to 1979 alone, with the exception of one year, inflation was over 5 %. In 1980 inflation rose above 12%, while in 1981 it was just under 9%. For comparison: since 1982, only in 1990 has the annual inflation rate in the course of a calendar year been above 5 %. In 23 of the 39 years from 1982 to 2020, inflation was below 3%. From 1966 to 1979, 3% was the lowest annual inflation rate.


Against great pressure from economists, business and the public, then US President Jimmy Carter, who made Volcker head of the FED, decided to end inflation. Paul A. Volcker became head of the Federal Reserve System in 1979. He finally stopped inflation by raising the so-called “fed funds rate” (the interest rate at which US financial institutions lend money to each other to settle their balances under reserve requirements at the central bank) to about 20% in the early 1980s. The essence of his monetary policy was to radically slow down the economy and thus break price pressures. He achieved this with a radical increase in key interest rates to almost 20 %, which still corresponded to almost 10 % in real terms (adjusted for inflation).


The drastic recession caused by Volcker and high unemployment finally ended the previously prevailing trend towards ever higher prices and wages and brought inflation expectations and thus inflation itself to a halt:

When workers no longer expect inflation to rise continuously, they no longer demand corresponding wage increases. The so-called wage-price spiral then ends and inflation decreases. The central bank can then lower the key interest rates again, the economic situation improves again and employment increases again. This is exactly what Vocker has achieved with his policy.

Under the Obama administration

In a speech on 21 January 2010, US President Barack Obama announced his intention not only to regulate the big banks more, but also to restrict their proprietary trading activities.

Volcker Rule

'Banks are not allowed to participate in, own or finance hedge funds and private equity funds and to engage in proprietary trading [trading in financial instruments (money, securities, foreign exchange, foreign notes and coins, precious metals or derivatives) in the bank's own name and for its own account and not directly triggered by a client transaction] at their own risk. Banks must limit their securities trading activities to client orders and may not themselves take risky positions for their own speculative motives.'

Comparison previous year / crisis year

7 Medium-term fractal indicators - 1979

7 Medium-term fractal indicators - 1980

Chart legend for the seven medium-term fractal indicators
Bull and Bear

Devaluation is the reduction of the nominal exchange rate of one’s own currency against foreign currencies when quoted in quantity. The opposite is revaluation.

-> Wikipedia

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) – also known as the Dow Jones Index in Europe – is one of several stock indices created by the founders of the Wall Street Journal and the Dow Jones company, Charles Dow (1851-1902) and Edward Jones (1856-1920), in 1884.

Charles Dow compiled the index to measure the performance of the US stock market. The Dow Jones Index on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is the oldest stock index still in existence in the USA after the Dow Jones Transportation Average and today is made up of 30 of the largest US companies.

-> Wikipedia

The Federal Reserve System, often called the Federal Reserve or simply the Fed (as the US Federal Reserve), is the central banking system of the United States.

-> Wikipedia

In the stock market, the word bull market (or bull market [os]; French for rise, increase) stands for persistently rising stock market prices, whereas bear market (or bear market [bɛs]; French for decline, decrease) stands for persistently falling prices. A “stock market cycle” comprises a bull market and a bear market.

-> Wikipedia

Hedge funds are actively managed investment funds in the financial sector whose business purpose is to make alternative investments and which therefore take on higher financial risks than classic investment funds.

-> Wikipedia

The S&P 500 (Standard & Poor’s 500) is a stock index comprising the shares of 500 of the largest listed US companies. The S&P 500 is weighted by market capitalisation and is one of the most widely followed stock indices in the world.

-> Wikipedia

The New Deal was a series of programs, pubIic work projects, financial reforms, and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States between 1933 and 1939.

-> Wikipedia


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Apartado de Correos No. 198

C /.  Bernat de Santa Eugenia, 41

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Tel. +49 172 71 71 254

